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Irish Goddess

Irish Goddesses

Its interesting how the universe takes hold of you sometimes, and gives you a bloody good shake, to release you from a stagnant situation. Later what was thought at the time as high drama, later unfolds to become a blessing. I came to Ireland in 2015 after my mother died and this left me free of commitments and was able to how I was going to move on in my life… but what was I to do? I decided to move to Ireland, it had always attracted to it and apart from a trade show in Dublin I really had never seen it. One of the first places I discovered was a faery tree in a nearby woods, near where I was living west Cork. It became a refuge and on one occasion felt what I took as the spirit of Ireland wrap itself around me in what felt a loving embrace. A few months later I visited the Hill Of Tara and whilst having a coffee, the owner recognised me and asked if I would like a two month exhibition, in a empty barn a few doors away. Years later I am still here on the Hill, and the exhibition became the Tara Open Studio. In 2016 the Newgrange centre invited me to put on an exhibition and I decided to create a completely new series of goddess paintings as a thank you to the spirit of Ireland for her bountiful gifts.

A Brigid Passion

I always thought of Brigid as a balance to my Merlin collaboration. Merlin seemed to provoke drama in my life and setting situations that I needed to address both inwardly and outwardly. I felt that Brigid's role was to be a mother protecting her child, healing my wounds from the trials I was working through. The last painting in the UK was Transition, my largest painting and dedicated to her, with her relic in the center. She came to the fore when Merlin left in 2011 and her presence was immense when I first came to Ireland, and felt her wrap her energy around me. I came to Ireland penniless, but felt that she directed me to Tara, and in doing so turned my life around.

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